Join us sundays at 10am

What is the Gospel?

The gospel is at the heart of what Christians believe. The good news of the gospel touches every aspect of our life. It has a profound effect on our eternity, as well as our Monday morning. 

The Gospel in a Sentence

God saves sinners by sending His Son Jesus to live a perfect life and die in their place on the cross to reconcile them to God.

The Gospel in a Paragraph

There is one Holy God who has made us in His image. He made us good, but we rebelled against His rule and sinned against Him. Because of our sin God would be just and good to judge us eternally, but in His amazing love, God the Father sent His eternal Son, Jesus Christ, who took on human flesh. Jesus Christ, who is fully God and fully man, lived perfectly the life that we should have lived. He then died on the cross in place of everyone who will repent of their sins and trust in Him. God raised Jesus from the dead. Jesus ascended to heaven, demonstrating that His sacrifice on the cross was accepted by God. Jesus has promised to return in the same manner. He now calls us to repent of our sins and trust in Him. When we trust in Him we will receive new life through the Holy Spirit, and will be adopted as his reconciled children forever.

If you’d like to know more about what it means to follow Jesus please feel free to reach out here. We’d love to talk with you.